People in this color group tend to do well with a Keto eating lifestyle, as it switches the body’s fuel source from carbohydrates to fat. This requires high quality fat intake of 70% or higher and very little carbohydrates while eliminating all forms of sugar including fruit. It is best suited for anyone with blood sugar dysregulation such as pre-diabetes, diabetes, insulin resistance, or cancer. Many people in this color group lose weight while adhering to Keto.
Clean animal protein
unlimitied organic veggies
unlimited fats (seeds, avocado, quality oils, coconut, olives)
sweet potato/yams
some fruit in moderation
All grains, legumes
high starchy vegetables and nightshdes
processed foods
all fruit
sugar of any kind
Now that you’ve completed step 1 and have been matched with your FoodFrame™ , here’s what to do next to apply the FoodFrame™ Method to your everyday lifestyle and within as little as a week see:
• Weight loss
• Less joint pain
• Boosted energy
• No more sugar and carb cravings
• A decrease or elimination of headaches
• Clearer skin
• Elimination of brain fog
• Better regularity
Every FoodFrame™ journey starts with a purification of the body so that it functions optimally. We accumulate toxins everyday that live in fat cells and tissues that get reabsorbed into the body. The RGN Detox with all its benefits not only cleans out the body but helps to kick start your new eating lifestyle.
get yours